Hello Bantu!
The greatest act of love is sacrifice.
Show love to a random person today.
Happy Val. Everyone
Oya nah show love:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:boss
Happy Val Bantu, killing two zeros before next Val
Happy Valentine’s Day all.
Let love lead
Love comes in various dimensions and you have shown that to me. Happy Valentine’s Day to the most amazing family. My Bantu peeps. Show me some love.
Happy Valentine’s Day Bantu Family.
Happy valentine’s day to everyone one out there.
Let love leads!! Show some love
Happy Valentines day to the Bantu Community, thanks for all we’ve done together… No matter the Dip, I’ll still love and stay and preach about BANTU… I rep mrzuby
Happy valentine day, let somebody do giveaway of love.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Start the giveaway abeg, we dey wait for you to open the floor
Bantu is love
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Bantu foundation project is the epitome of love because it has a great feeling for human beings by empowering them.
Username: lusim91
This is the wrong platform for this. It’s supposed to be on fb, IG or Twitter; that’s if the campaign is still on.