Bantu $xbn Bitmart listing airdrop event distribution update


Hello Bantu!

Be advised that the token distribution is complete for all of the entrants who took part in the airdrop last week. If you provided the correct username information as required you received your airdrop.

In total, there were 916 entrants, the contest created a lot of social engagements. Thank you all for taking part in it.

We will announce a new campaign in the near future which will have a different focus.

Hope to see you take part massively.

Happy earnings :partying_face::partying_face:


Yea thank you…bantu,love you

I received my own share accordingly. Thank you Bantu.
Bantu is the best. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I feel 100X motivated after receiving my airdrop. I really appreciate the reward as I am staying woke to participate more for the growth and development of this blockchain.

Bless Up Bantu Spirit’s✓🚀

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Thanks Bantu, you’ve touched lives more than you can imagine…
Bantu to the moon
Long live bantu

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Welcome back to the community @Slimjay do enjoy your time here :blush:

Thanks a bunch… :grin:
Bantu To The Moon
Long Live Bantu

Yessss… Bantu to the world. We gonna take them by storm and surprise


Y’all welcome, now let’s join hands Nd make bantutalk worthwhile :hugs::hugs: