Happy first Friday of the month to our active BantuTalk community members

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

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Kindly activate your account by buying some XBN so you can receive BantuTalk activity reward next time.

While trying to send to your username, I am receiving a temporary server error but other usernames are going smoothly… Thanks for participating.

The giveaway distribution is now completed. Thanks for participating


I didn’t receive mine ezenwa042

Okay it just reflected now thanks so much

Well done @stepharnite and Bantu!

BNR received.

Please, can you post the answers to the poll so we can learn from our mistakes?

Thank you.

@stepharnite this @mjbrus is one of my Fam and friend referals o. Please m not the one o. Am sure she did follow the rules tho. I received mine tho and thx

You’re going against the rules of empowering… Let her voice out.