I need help on how to get xbn

I am new here, I just join the community. Please how do I buy xbn?


@modesty28 Welcome to Bantu :hugs: Visit :point_right: https://bantupay.org/
Sign up today for a free account on our mobile iOS or Android apps. A simple, secure and non-custodial wallet to send, receive, swap and store digital assets.
We no longer give free XBN to activate Bantupay, so to activate the wallet you have the following options.

  1. Share your wallet username with a friend to send you XBN from another Bantupay wallet or share your wallet address if they are sending from other sources.

  2. Buy XBN from Timbuktu Timbuktu

  3. Visit Bantu Blockchain Foundation
    for list of other exchanges where you can buy XBN from.

  4. Earn XBN from the Bantupay telegram Bot by participating in the community tasks.