What happens if i lose/forget my BantuPay secret keys?

Unfortunately ONLY YOU control access to your secret keys. If you lose it then you’ve lost access to your wallet and all its funds.

BantuPay is a non custodial wallet. This means Bantu DOES NOT store/save your wallet’s secret keys and/or any sensitive data.
This is your responsibility to secure and NEVER to share with anyone.

Please remember this next time as you will need to create a new wallet as a new user and hopefully this time you will protect your secret keys by all means.

If you haven’t already, log on to your BantuPay wallet NOW, visit ‘Settings’ and immediately begin BackUp process to securely store your wallet secret keys in a safe and secure “secret” location ONLY YOU can access and remember in the future.

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A have a case of a friend who after entering the back up /secret keys in order to recover the old account, it was not accepted rather the message showed “oops! Failure restoring your wallet”. What could possibly be wrong or old app account holders can no longer recover their account?

Hello! You will need to have your friend reach out to us and provide screenshots of the exact error message so we can understand how to support

I am the friend in question. I have my secret keys intact, and each time I try importing my wallet it tells oops! Failure restoring your wallet.

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