When it will happen?

I hope that by this end of year or very soon our xbn would be integrated on must platform.
That’ll be very cool … am seeing the growing far away. Why not getting an ATM :raised_hand::relieved:…?

Do u see it like me or your confuse?
#spiritday #bantu-pay #mondaymotivation


@Flexcodec Sooner than you think. There is alot happening on the background more than the front here…
Our Engineers, Business development managers, Ops team are working with other projects, collaborations to be built on the Bantu infrastructure. Stick with Bantu… everybody gets EMPOWERED at BANTU!
Among such Innovators, Platform owners, institutional and enterprise partners who are building on top of the Bantu Blockchain stack are::point_down::point_down:
Bantu Blockchain League of Innovators

Watch out for BantuPay-XBN Accepted here , Pay with Bantu at stores, gas station :fuelpump: in your neighborhood
Crypto Mainstream Adoption | Bantupay-XBN Accepted Here


BANTU is my ride or die already :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The future looks exciting with bantu

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